Missionary Center

Missionary Centre
Declaration of the Missionary movement
We believe that the Lord Jesus calls every generation to ministry.
We believe that great commission “go and make disciples of all nations” applies to us personally.
Serving God and spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom is the main priority in our life.
We are ready to devote ourselves and everything we have for the establishing of the Kingdom of God here on the Earth.

We realize that we are ready to endure all hardships and dangers in our life for the sake of ministry and fulfillment of God’s will.

We are prepared to live in any culture and nation sharing its fate, difficulties, and trials.

We love our enemies and adversaries, and if necessary we are prepared to suffer for the sake of their salvation.

We are prepared to serve God in any capacity and social status, entrusting to Him our destiny and our entire life.

We are indifferent to being low or high, and and even death we consider as gain.

We are willing to study constantly to be most effective in God’s hands.

We are ready to be unknown and unfairly judged among people, but we value the glory that we have in God.

We are equally prepared to serve one person and entire nations.
If we become tired and exhausted we will still  serve the Lord Jesus Christ as long as there is  at least one person who needs salvation!
Goals of the Missionary Center:
1. Consolidation of all daughter churches of the Embassy of God church.
2. Training of missionaries and sending them into new lands.
3. Opening of  new churches.
4. Taking care of existing churches.
5. Building up the Apostolic Church as the church of the last days, to be able to influence and transform a godless world.

Tel: +38(044)587-94-09, +38(050)923-18-18
e-mail:  Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  
Skype: missionarycentre
Administrator of the Missionary Center:
Skype: nata_love33
E-mail:  Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript

North%20America Latin America Europe Africa Asia Oceania

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