G-12 System

Keys to Managing a Growing Church

A key problem in a large, growing church is the lack of personal pastoral care, support and friendship. It is very easy for someone to get lost and slip through the cracks of a large organization unless specific steps are taken to guard against it. When the Embassy of God had grown to several thousand people, it was impossible for Pastor Sunday to personally greet, fellowship and council with each person. Many people were coming to the church, finding Jesus, but then not coming back to church. There had to be a way to encourage these people to stay in fellowship and to give everyone the attention needed.

As he was seeking God for the solution to this problem, God gave him a dream that contained the answer. In the dream, Pastor Sunday saw Jesus and his 12 disciples. After he awoke, he prayed and asked God about its significance. God showed him that many, many people followed Jesus, but that Jesus spent the majority of his time pouring himself into his 12 disciples. He was constantly teaching them and showing them what to do. After Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection and ascension, his disciples were each able to continue doing the work and train others. More could be done because more people had been trained and prepared. This, God said to Pastor Sunday, is what you need to do. Thus, the G-12 system was born.

The G-12 System is one of the foundational elements that has resulted in the exponential growth of the church. The basic concept is very simple. Pastor Sunday began by choosing 12 people to assist him and be taught by him. Each of those 12 people found 12 people and each of those people found 12 people and each of those 12 people and on and on until everyone was in a group. Now, when someone comes to the church for the first time and is born again, he is directed to home groups in his region, enabling him to become involved and anchored into the church.

The main reason for these groups is discipleship. Every new believer or church member is in a group. Here, they will learn the foundational principles of the Bible, be encouraged to stay in church, receive teaching on prayer and healing, learn how to overcome trials and not fall into temptation, and discover how to live a Christian life. As the new believers grow, they begin their own groups and help teach others. The object is not for the leaders to dictate the lives of the group, but to teach them the Word and prepare them to be able to make the right decisions.

A strong bond is formed between leaders and the group members. Birthdays are celebrated, weddings and anniversaries are a time of joy for the entire group, and holidays are times for group fellowship and parties. The fellowship and friendship is not just spiritual, but extends into every other area of life, including having fun. Relationships are strengthened and cemented over a game of soccer and a picnic lunch. Fun and prayer go hand in hand and everyone has a good time.

Another element of the G-12 group is the potential for leadership growth and training. Each person in the group is special and each person has a unique function for which he is responsible. As members mature, they will be asked to lead groups if the leader is absent or to teach or lead a segment of the group. Each person is encouraged to participate in the meetings and to offer his experiences, thoughts or opinions. In this way, the entire group can learn from the experiences of others and avoid making the same mistakes.

On any given evening, if you come to the central church, you will see at least five home groups meeting in different corners of the building. In the spring and summer, the grounds surrounding the complex are filled with small groups singing, praying and sharing the Word. This is truly one of the elements that has played a large part in the success of the Embassy of God. Everyone in the 25 thousand plus member church is able to be a part of a small, family-like unit and know and feel that they are special.

Pastor Sunday had his first group in the beginning. He poured himself into these people so that they could then reach others. Many of his original 12 have left Ukraine and are pasturing in other countries. Yet, others are still in Ukraine heading up ministries and expanding into their spheres of influence.

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